Kyle and Dana Perino

Kyle and Dana Perino

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Time to take flight...

A lot of transition can happen within a year's timing. I'm continually amazed at how God works out the details of our lives within the Bigger Picture-which is His plan and glorious purpose for us under Heaven. I guess it's time to take flight! I am saying goodbye to Project Eagle next Thursday, my place of employment for the last year. I always knew taking a position with the Eagle would be temporary as my background is not in early childhood and frankly, I did not think I would enjoy teaching little ones. I was amazed at how wrong I was! Teaching 0-3 year olds is both challenging and aha-moment-ing. They are capable of learning so much in their development!

                                           Alan and I.

I will miss the families the most. As I was writing out a goodbye/appreciation letter to my two families for which I primary care-give for, my eyes welled up with tears. I will always remember little Alan being whisked into the classroom by his beautiful mother, Claudia, ready for a full work day at Longhorn Steakhouse. He would immediately run towards the balls, one of his favorite pastimes. You should see this little guy throw! Then, there is Leticia and her twins, Camila and Fernanda, who walk through the door every morning; they have yet to miss a day (except today of all days; we onlt had three kids total) side note! Fernanda always held her favorite book, and would hug me immediately upon entering and Camila...oh, Camila. She would rush into the classroom and sit down, waiting to be fed. That little girl loves her breakfast! Leticia always wished us "un buen dia" with a heartfelt smile on her face.

For now, I am transitioning to nannying for a one year old boy and then hopefully accepting a full-time teaching position in an elementary school in De Soto for the school year. I am waiting, hopeful, watching, all the while anticipating the future God has for me.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A letter to my husband. (it's honestly raw but may resonate with other marriages


The more time we spend together, the more our life becomes the same life. Our words, at times, are like sniper bullets. We can so easily wound each other from three-hundred yards away, pummeling the part of the heart that is the most sacred and vulnerable. We can obliterate it with one intentional, spoken word. This is our marriage. This is our way of dealing with conflict. This is our habit; our reality. When we wound, we take our words and sharpen them into the points of arrows. "I will always love you" whispered moments before becomes a thing of the past. Yet we find ourselves in this pattern. I am sorry, Kyle. Sorry that I've learned and devised ways to wound you. Sorry that we escape to opposite ends of ourselves.

I am needing you. Then, I find you moving towards me; you're no longer on the opposite side of the house we're building our lives in. I am ready to make amends and be reminded of the vows me made over a year ago.

Love you always and forever,


Love Still Stands

What is living
Always giving
Trembles when
It needs to do more?

What's enduring
Always learning
To trust and not let go?

It's Love;
No fading of its hope
It's Love;
Outlasting anything
Love still stands
When all else has fallen.

Love still stands.
Christ is love.
He still stands.
Love still stands.
Love is our reward.
Christ is our reward.
Christ is Love.

Copyright 2011 God's Worshipful Heart

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

When we have something profound to say, we'll say it...

The blogger phenomena has taken over. We aren't sure if it's because people find it therapeutic or if it's simply because every personal detail of our lives was meant to be shared--did God intend us to share our lives with one another in hopes that we would find healing for our brokenness? Churches around the globe are talking about "Story" and how it has a profound impact on how we relate to one another and how we live our lives based on the story we've already written and have yet to write. Needless to say, we've bought in to the trend and we're excited to share our story from here on out.

A lot has happened since Kyle and I were joined as one. We're now in the process of moving in to our first home and coming up on our one year anniversary (February 20th for those of you who'd like to contribute to my love language and send a card :-)

To add to this fleeting thought, I've been in a very contemplative mood lately. As a result, songs and poems have come about, completely inspired by the Lord at work in my messy, broken life. These pint-sized stories are in the beginning stages-bits and pieces of what I hope will someday produce a full-length album and my music career will take off full-fledge ahead...a girl can only hope. I figured this would be a good way to get those creative juices flowing again. After all, I've been out of school for over 2 years and it's been ages since I've taken a Creative Writing class. So, we'll see if this blogging adventure really improves one's vocabulary and artistic genius. I have been diving in to Joy William's blog (now one of the main singers in a band called "The Civil Wars" which has already done amazingly well in the music industry). She talks about how there is war in art and story. She blogged about how it's not the writing part that is difficult (in songwriting) but the sitting down to write part that is menacing. She labels it by a word that is fitting to this scenario: RESISTANCE.  I am hoping and praying for less resistance as I begin this journey into the blogging world and to allow myself to be free with my words, ebb and flow. I've already found it incredibly restorative and lifegiving as I hope you have too.

P.S. I'm hoping Kyle will share some of his humorous musings with you too, in the near future.