Kyle and Dana Perino

Kyle and Dana Perino

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Time to take flight...

A lot of transition can happen within a year's timing. I'm continually amazed at how God works out the details of our lives within the Bigger Picture-which is His plan and glorious purpose for us under Heaven. I guess it's time to take flight! I am saying goodbye to Project Eagle next Thursday, my place of employment for the last year. I always knew taking a position with the Eagle would be temporary as my background is not in early childhood and frankly, I did not think I would enjoy teaching little ones. I was amazed at how wrong I was! Teaching 0-3 year olds is both challenging and aha-moment-ing. They are capable of learning so much in their development!

                                           Alan and I.

I will miss the families the most. As I was writing out a goodbye/appreciation letter to my two families for which I primary care-give for, my eyes welled up with tears. I will always remember little Alan being whisked into the classroom by his beautiful mother, Claudia, ready for a full work day at Longhorn Steakhouse. He would immediately run towards the balls, one of his favorite pastimes. You should see this little guy throw! Then, there is Leticia and her twins, Camila and Fernanda, who walk through the door every morning; they have yet to miss a day (except today of all days; we onlt had three kids total) side note! Fernanda always held her favorite book, and would hug me immediately upon entering and Camila...oh, Camila. She would rush into the classroom and sit down, waiting to be fed. That little girl loves her breakfast! Leticia always wished us "un buen dia" with a heartfelt smile on her face.

For now, I am transitioning to nannying for a one year old boy and then hopefully accepting a full-time teaching position in an elementary school in De Soto for the school year. I am waiting, hopeful, watching, all the while anticipating the future God has for me.

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